The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Monday, May 6, 2024

A Fresh Morning Sky and a Sign

Gotta say that being in the throes of selling our home and getting sick at the same time has sort of thrown me off my game.

Normally, by this time of the season, the sun is rising at just the right moment for me to get myself out the door for some wide open space under the sky. Such a strong and orienting way to begin the day. Anytime anyone asks me what practices I observe in order to keep me spiritually balanced, sunrise walking is top on my list. (Or soon, kayaking. Same deal.)

But lately, not so much. And I'm really feeling it. Plus, open houses sort of rob you of a weekend. I know that's part of the deal, but, just sayin'.

If nothing else, it's been a solid reminder of how imperative it is for me to make sure I give myself space to breathe. Space to 'cease striving.' Space to be as gentle with myself as I expect myself to be with others. How easily my driven-ness devolves into impatience and frustration, and worse, a delusional sense of being able to control outcomes.

This sign very likely represents a work-shift reality brought on by the pandemic where now there is a lot more office space available as people remain working from home. And, of course, that's a whole different conversation.

But as I walked past it this morning I decided to make it my slogan for this week, and on into our current life adventure of the move.

At the end of every day, at the end of every week, into the hours of the weekend, there should be space available.

And can I just say? It was such a tonic for my soul to be back to worship together on Sunday morning. I need, need, need the reorientation of my spirit to the bigness of God in this way. And, as I joked with Derek, it's funny how every worship song I hear right now is all about the move.

Happy Monday.
Sure hope you are able to make space available for your own soul.
Just to breathe.
Just to be.
Just to let the sky be big and wide and wonderful.

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