The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

When Tuesday is Monday

Okay, here we go.

It's the start of the work week after what could only be described as a spectacular start to the summer over the May 2-4 weekend. Apparently the hot weather is supposed to continue for a few days yet, making me wish we could have indeed stayed longer at the cottage.

But never mind. Lots of good things on my list for this week that could only happen in the city. And we are still holding down the fort for showings and all that is required as we trust God for His good guidance regarding the selling of our house.

It was good to get away from all that even for just two days. It was good to stay away from my desk yesterday. And it's good to feel a fresh start this morning.

I confess to feeling the strains of all that's happening at the moment. Big changes coming down the pike about where we'll lay our heads. Some of the challenges my kind of work naturally brings are a little 'extra' at the beginning of the school term at Hot Springs. And trying to lay out a healthy summer plan when so much is uncertain is like nailing jello to a wall. Sigh.

I find a comforting stability in taking pictures of really tiny flowers. Maybe it's because of their connection to Jesus' words about worry in Matthew 6:25-24. In short, "Don't."

Just look at these Solomon's-got-nothing-on-us little beauties!
Another accidental capture from just outside the cottage.

So here we go into another week, folks.
I hope it's full of love and strength and any reassurances you might need for whatever you're facing right now.

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