The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Monday, May 13, 2024

What's Happening When Nothing's Happening


One of Jesus' lesser known parables, found only in Mark's gospel, is The Parable of the Growing Seed.

"The is what the kingdom of God is like.

"A man scatters seed on the ground.
Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up,
the seed sprouts and grows,
but he does not understands how it happens.

"All by itself the soil produces grain --
first the stalk, then the head,
then the full kernel in the head.
As soon as the grain is ripe,
he puts the sickle to it,
because the harvest has come."
Mark 4:26


It's a small metallic sign that was likely meant for the garden, but I have it above my desk in my office. I need the reminder here more than anywhere else. Although, outside, all the spring flowers are also a good prompt.

Just like the farmer, there's only so much I'm supposed to do. The rest is up to the created order and the plans of a Creator who knows what He's doing.

I'm really good at the first part of this. Sowing, weeding, watering. All the prep and planning and productivity that I believe will bring all the things I want to see happen in my "garden."

It's the waiting that I find so difficult. There's stuff to do at the beginning, like planting, and stuff to do at the end, like harvesting. Then, in this mysterious middle, I find myself tempted to forfeit faith for fussing.

But I'm pretty sure Jesus wanted us to know that there's an awful lot happening even when it looks like nothing's happening. Even when we are 'stuck' in a place of waiting it out.

The truly beautiful thing for me in all of this is, that even in the waiting, God doesn't leave me hanging. Yesterday, during Communion, the line from the song we were singing - Broken Vessels (by Hillsong) - could not have prompted a more vivid picture.

"I can see the love in Your eyes."

And as if Jesus was gently taking my hands in His, inviting me to trace the scars in His palm with my finger, and saying, "Would Someone who loves you this much not come through for you?"

Holding my breath for a moment.

And exhale.

Moving means waiting on big things.
Some things are taking longer that I had hoped they would.
And I do "not understand how it happens."
But I do know a Saviour Who loves me.

And that much love I can trust.

Whatever you might be waiting on right now,
I pray for you loving encounters of reassurance and grace.

Who knows?
Maybe this week will bring some results.

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