The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Everything I Needed to Know About Life I Learned in the Roundabout


Pushing myself even further this morning, and it was a glorious sky for sure. I'm still in David Johnston Business Park - that's where I can get the best and longest view of the sunrise - but I'm experimenting with different routes within.

It's amazing how you can get an entirely new perspective just from being on a different sidewalk. The sun between evergreens, for example. And for those tired of my field view horizon sunrise shots, you're welcome.

This new little adventure took me around not one but two roundabouts this morning. And I know I'm not prone to writing about controversial topics, but today I'm feeling brave so I'll talk about roundabouts anyways.

Most folks don't like them. And for pedestrians, I am not a fan myself. In fact, any time other than a sunrise walk in a no-cars-yet business park, I do my best to avoid them.

But for driving, I think I do okay. In fact, it seems that roundabouts, like kindergarten, could actually teach us a lot about life.

There's no rush.
Everybody take their turn.
Stay in your lane.
Give each other space.

A gentle tap on the horn can actually be helpful.
A blaring horn just ruins someone's day.
It helps if you have a clear idea of where you're going before you join the circle.

And, back to the pedestrians,
always, always be on the look out for those who don't have the protection of a car wrapped around them, i.e. the more vulnerable.

If I wanted to make a political observation out of this,
perhaps the best way forward is a gentle swing right before going left, or the other way around. Although, in politics and in driving, I'm not always sure about the signaling, I'll admit.

Okay, perhaps I'm making more of this sign thing I've got going than I should. Even so, I don't mind tacking on a Proverb about walking and direction just about now.

"Give careful thought to the paths for your feet
and be steadfast in all your ways."
Proverbs 4:26

So walking or driving, on a straight way or a roundabout, stay safe out there everyone.

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