The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Monday, May 27, 2024

This Week's Slice of the Story

Now this is more like it.

A full week ahead of me with a list that feels full of redemptive potential.
And while there's no news yet on the house front, I'm feeling more settled and at ease and hopeful.

Over the weekend I was reminded:

"I am confident of this: He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus."
Philippians 1:6

I don't read this as being so much about my current circumstances, as if this is some magical incantation that will get the house sold.

Instead, the promise is about what God's Spirit wants to accomplish in my heart and life for His plans and purposes for the sake of others.

And to keep it even more in context, this was written to a whole group of folks, the church in Philippi. So the stuff Paul is saying God will be faithful to complete, very much, in his mind, happens in the context of community.

I think that when this is all over and we are truly, physically settled into our new place, I'll have to write it all out somewhere to show how all the pieces come together.

For right now I'll just say that this step we are taking is not coming out of nowhere. It is only a small slice of a very larger story that will impact way more people than just us.

We're simply trying as best we know to follow Him into the next chapter. A chapter, I believe, He will be faithful to complete.

So on to the list and all that redemptive potential. And, if things go well, maybe by next Monday Ken and I will be able to sneak away to the cottage for a while.

I truly love all the accidental flowers that happen along the side of our fence this time of year. There's an abundance right now, with all this warmth and rain. Wonder who might be enjoying them next spring?

Blessings on this day for you!
May your week bring completion and joy and strength.

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