The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Monday, July 22, 2024


As I write we are approximately 12 hours from lift off.

It's one of those 2 am flights this time. Not a fan of having to try to stay awake that long, but once we get there, it's actually a little easier on the jet lag adjustment, I find, to arrive during the day. So there's that.

Meanwhile, I am packed and weighed. Abby is packed and weighed. Everything but the last shower and final tucking in of snacks is done. Time now to put my feet up, settle my soul, and give myself over to a nap if I can.

I am so grateful for the open hospitality of our KW hosts Karen Bowman and Roger Bowman, and the easy way they make room for friends. It's a little strange to be in town and have nowhere to call 'home,' except when I realize that's not entirely true. Not as long as there's a community that takes seriously the whole 'all things in common' idea from Acts 2. These past two days have been exactly what I've needed to leave behind the overwhelming tasks of the move, and change gears into preparing for both the travel to and the time at Hot Springs.

Yesterday it was SO good for my soul to be together with my Highview Peeps. In this transitionary period of time when I will be away for so many Sundays, not being with you to worship hurts a lot. But thank you for all the hugs, and the commissioning yesterday.

Today the morning was spent running errands with Ken to finish off business with the sale of our house, and keep things moving in the construction of our new home. Got a few Taiwanese dollars for our layover. Did some banking of my own. Picked up the aforementioned snacks. Checking off all the things as I go.

And now the best thing I can do for my still-healing-post-op body is keep my feet up and enjoy the quiet.

What a summer!
What an adventure!
What a life!
What a God!

"Even to your old age and gray hairs
I am He.
I am He who will sustain you.
I have made you and I will carry you.
I will sustain you and I will rescue you."
Isaiah 46:4

Oh Father..
It's Your reputation that makes us outrageously brave.

Next post will most likely be of Abby and I once we're through check in and security. But hopefully all of you, (maybe not you Travis Golem) will already be asleep. :)

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