The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Friday, July 26, 2024

Indoor Snowball Fight (In July....In Thailand)


"In your anger do not sin."
Ephesians 4:26

But it doesn't say you can't have a snowball fight!!!

Thanks to Karen Bowman who saw these 'fake but fun' snowballs and thought immediately of our kids at Hot Springs, we were able to have a spectacular time making a point about how we deal with our anger. Yes, I actually made that connect during tonight's lesson. But not before there was a pretty fierce battle, worthy of any snow day in January back home.

"This is my Family" is our theme for this visit. And learning strategies to self regulate and express our very human emotion of anger was part of what we were exploring together.

We have a long weekend ahead of us. Monday is the King's birthday so no school. That means extra time with the kids, and we are looking forward to it very much. They still don't know but we are planning a very small 'bai teo' (out for fun) down the road to the Hot Springs park where there's ice cream and a swimming pool. Also, Abby has a craft in mind with all the supplies. Also, we will want to make sure our Sponsors get cards and notes before we leave. So, no end of ways to interact.

Today we had our first time of reading together, and it was lovely to have that closer connect, especially to get to know the new children better. Abby took a group and got right into it. Bee-Mai has taken to sneaking up beside Abby for a sideways cuddle.

Abby's jet lag seems to have turned a corner, and I've put her to work in various ways today. We also took some time for a bit of Thai language study, and she's making inroads there. She expressed to me just now that it's so hard not to be able to talk to the children. Truth. And. There are just so many other ways to communicate, and I'm seeing her interact beautifully.

It's been a good day.

It took me until now, just before bed, to hit any sort of energy wall, which is a good sign I think. Still, I'm being mindful. While it's not actually that hot, the humidity is bothering me a bit more than usual. I'm blaming it on any residual recovery.

And as I continue to physically 'take it easy,' and am so lovingly allowed to and encouraged to do so while here, I have to say that it's been oh so wonderful to actually be doing something other than orchestrating a big move and/or recovering from surgery. My heart is relieved to be engaging in life again.

And there's so much life here! Just look at those snow pros!

It's rainy season right now, and we've seen very little sun. No matter. That's what's keeping the heat at bay, and there's something quite comforting about an afternoon nap under the sound of the rain.

So here's to Fridays, and happy voices singing, and snowball fights inside in July in Thailand, and everything else that seems too good to be true but actually is.

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