The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Shalom, Shalom

Such a serene morning to begin.
The next four days will be a final push to clear out the house and do some final prep and packing for Thailand.
We leave this quiet place this afternoon to head back to 79 Blythwood Road for the last time. Movers come on Tuesday. Final cleaning on Wednesday. Then we return to finish off our cottage time with the gang.
It's a tad daunting. But it's doable. That's what we've said about our summer calendar and moving strategy since mid June when we accepted the offer. And step by step it is unfolding.
There've been times I've wondered if my determination to make sure our cottage time was unaffected might have been a bit unrealistic, perhaps putting more pressure on us. There has been a bit of back and forth, shuffling of beds and such.
But this morning when it's so perfectly quiet, and the water is flat, I realize how badly I've needed to be here. It anchors me during a time when so much else is in a state of flux.
"You will keep in perfect peace (shalom, shalom)
those whose minds are steadfast
because they trust in You."
Isaiah 26:3
Glad to worship together with the wonderful friends of Cognashene Community Church this morning, before we head back to the city.

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