The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Last Day (For Now)


Heading back to KW, ending our cottage family time for this season. There's always a chance we can be together here another time before fall, but this is the 'main event' for us so far this summer.

It's been unusual, interrupted, and I have had to continue to be careful with my energies in these weeks of recovering from surgery. But we're all feeling filled up and grateful for all that we were able to enjoy together.

A new phase of this summer starts for me, and for Abby. In just a matter of days now, we'll be on the plane heading to Thailand. Glad for the kind hospitality of good friends, Karen and Roger to give us a place to lay our heads for the next two nights. It's part of what is making this crazy summer possible.

Sooooo looking forward to being at Highview on Sunday. Can't wait for worship, and Abby and I will be commissioned.

Oh this summer!

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