The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Monday, July 1, 2024

The Wisdom of the Gradual


What welcome sunshine this fine Canada Day! It was so very good to be outdoors for a little bit this morning, especially after five days spent basically inside, and most of that being in a hospital.

I'm especially pleased with this lily I purchased last year, but which did not bloom until now. This is the first time I'm seeing its glory...almost.

Growing things are such good lessons in the wisdom of the gradual. There is never anything good that comes from rushing the natural order of things, at least in these simplest of examples. I'm eager, for sure, to watch this bloom open its face fully. But to do anything else but wait is to destroy that story.

These will be days of the gradual. Healing, even when going splendidly, just takes time. And to do nothing else but follow all the wise advice, and just wait for the goodness of it to happen.

So for today, I am up and out of bed a little more often and for a little longer each time. I'm fine until I'm not fine and suddenly it can feel like I'm practicing to be 103 years old and I just have to lie down for a bit. And that's okay. All the systems of my body seem to be in working order, and I am coping quite fine with less and less pain medication, which is also good.

I have been brought home baked treats, and been kept good company, both the chatty and the quiet kind, and have even directed a little bit of packing from my bed, which is far more than I expected from this day.

Again, thank you for your prayers and care.
It's going to be a carefully interesting next few weeks for sure.

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