The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Lofty Lego

A feature of our 'rustic' cottage is that is has been added on to over the years, with the intent of accommodating more beds.  Mostly this turns out to be actual bedrooms, but in one iteration, a loft of sorts was built over what might be considered the original master bedroom. [Please note: All this has the potential of sounding way more fancy than it actually is.  It's important to keep the word 'rustic' in mind here.]

The stairs to the loft are steep.  More like a ladder.  A steep ladder at that.  And there's where the practicality of the loft for sleeping has been somewhat complex for our family.  Because the skill required to safely go up and down, particularly at night if one had to use the bathroom, sadly does not match the age of the children who actually and enthusiastically want to sleep up there.  But, also sadly, by the time they have the physical dexterity to manage the ladder, the novelty has worn off and they've decided they like their 'usual' cottage beds just fine.

We've ended up using the loft more for storage.  But it has proven at times to be a decent place to play on a rainy day.  

Also we are big into Lego around here.   So here's a good place to remind us all about the 'rustic' thing, and that includes our cottage being small.  When everyone's here and it's a rainy day and you want to play Lego, and since it's summer and most of us walk around indoors in bare feet -- well, you get the picture.

This morning Grandad has had a genius idea.  Move the Lego to the loft!  Bonus for Gramma was that he spent about 20 minutes first organizing some of what we've got stored up there to clear the space, which, since it was his idea, happened with zero 'discussion'.

The Lego bins were hoisted, and a happy and quiet hour and a half ensued, on this our first full day at the cottage with this crew, when it also happens to be raining.

A lovely start to this 'phase' of family cottage time.  The older ones are playing Monopoly.  Grandad has escaped over to the bunkie to take care of some emails and business, of which there is plenty when you are in the throes of moving and building and still working.  And I am actually able to still take it easy, in between prepping snacks, that is.

I am finding in these unsettled days a deep sense of grounding in the immediately simple and profoundly good gifts of being with people I love.  For the ways life seems more wonderful because of how chaotic it can also be.  For the almost-didn't-happen joys of summer traditions that remind me of all that's actually real and important.  

Lego in the loft.  

It's been a good morning. 

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