The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Simple Day

A quick smattering of shots from our first full day here. It was an easier kind of day, although in the end it seems we did quite a bit.

Took Abby for a little tour of the property, including the goats and sheep pen. There's a new kid at Hot Springs, the goat kind, and she's only two days old. Abby was given the honour of naming her. She's still thinking about it, but we'll let you know. And we're growing sugar cane and pumpkins right now!

Wrote some emails and prepped for the evening's Bible Lesson in the morning. It's not terribly hot but quite humid, so that, plus the jet lag caught up with me and I had my feet up for a bit even before lunch. After lunch it was a nap proper, then sorting the new books brought from Canada via the generous heart of Cheryl Wilton. Can't wait to get a start on our reading program tomorrow.

Had fun talking about the connection between truth and trust at Evening Worship Time. We're building on the theme of "This is My Family." With so many new children since I was last here (eight) it seemed a good time to remind ourselves of how families, especially larger families, work. Working that around Ephesians 4:25-5:2.

And with so many new little voices, the singing of the doxology at the end of our time seems especially sweet and strong.

Lukmee (means "little bear") is showing off the dress she received from her Sponsors Martin and Lillian Weatherall. I hope to get more pictures of the children wearing or playing with what Sponsors sent them.

Well, I had hoped that writing this post would help me stay up a little later, but jet lag seems to be winning. I can tell when I actually and literally doze off at the keyboard while writing.

Better go and 'listen to my body.'
I totally do not want to push myself even now as today marks four weeks since my appendectomy. Grateful that I feel this good, truly!

Good night/good morning to all.

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