The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Exactly Where I Need to Be


Despite the title of this posting, I will confess that I'd really rather be by still waters at sunset today than where I am.

And also.

It's ended up being a weekend of the not-as-any-of-us-imagined anyways. Canada Day celebrations, after a few decent heat waves already this season, to be cold and blowy and rather miserable, weather-wise, is not what anyone was hoping for. And wherever you planned to be, likely it was supposed to be a bit more, well, summery.

And that we could do the opening service on the Freddy today!!!

But instead.

I am tucked up in bed.
Blankets and tea.
Scandalous/perfect amount of pillows.
The window just cracked open a little to let in some fresh air.

And even as I flip through photos in wistful way, I do know that, yes, I am exactly where I need to be.

In terms of the timing of a medical emergency, there is no good date to put such a thing on the calendar. For me, on one hand, it's very good that I wasn't at the cottage or in Thailand or, even worse, on the plane, when all this happened. On the other hand...did I mention we are in the middle of the biggest, and most complex move of our married lives?

But acceptance is like a layering of peace on the spaces of my heart that want to be in charge. Disappointment, while being a legitimate enough thing to validate, doesn't bring much benefit from lingering on it.

So here I am.
And it's where I need to be.
Right now.
Right here.

And I'll close my eyes and just be here for a nap now.

Happy Canada Day Weekend, all.

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