The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Thursday, August 8, 2024

All Glorious


First time out in the kayak since June 16!

The implications of a rather complicated summer, including an emergency appendectomy and subsequent recovery thereof, have kept me on the dock, full of longing.

But this morning, with calm waters at sunrise, and fully six weeks post-surgery, and jet-lag notwithstanding, I ventured out to see if my body could handle what my soul so badly needed.

And yes!

All glorious sunrise, all beauteous and stunning, and reminding me again of the faithfulness of God and the spectacular order of creation.

To ease my husband's wise concerns, I did not attempt a full go-round the island. Only just down the channel past the church to where it opens up. Here the water was not quite so calm. But that's okay, because the breeze and flow brought me gently home again.

Home again it is.

Our arrival back on the Freddy yesterday signals the next phase of the aforementioned complicated summer. I'll call this the resting phase.

After the painful and urgent trip to the hospital ending in an emergency appendectomy....
and after the frenzy of closing date and the last push of packing...
and after the abundant and crazy-joy of a full cottage with family...
and after a robust trip to Thailand and the crazy-joy of the family there (including introducing Abby to that part of my heart)...

After all of that, there is now. Welcoming the day out in the kayak, out on the deck with friends who like peanuts (including a very young-looking blue jay), the quiet of August by the water.

This is now.

All glorious.

Also, I might call this the finding-stuff-and-putting-it-properly-away phase. While most of what we will need once our new small home is completed is in storage, we've brought boxes and bins up here with us for what we'll need in the next three months of living. And as organized as I tried to be, there are more items than I'd like to admit that I really have no idea where they are!

So here's to more days of kayaking, and sorting and putting away, and just being quiet for a while.

I miss all the children at Hot Springs.
Just needed to say that too.

Happy Thursday, folks.
I think that's what day it is, anyways.

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