The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Saturday, August 31, 2024

With or Without You (A Song to my Phone)

My phone is on the fritz and I'm trying to decide if it matters.

I think actually there might be a goodness in the absence of the gizmos. Realizing how many 'things' I use it for. If Ken and I can't sort it out on our own, it may mean a trip into town, and that can't happen until Tuesday.


This morning's paddle around the island begged a thousand pictures. The sky was vibrantly chasing away last night's storm over glass-flat water reflecting abundant cardinal flowers splashing red on the mirror.

No pictures taken.

Instead, on this loveliest of Saturday mornings, I offer a shot taken the other day. And it's okay.

No texts or calls until further notice, folks.
Not ignoring you.
Just figuring things out.
And I think there might be a goodness to it.

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