The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Thursday, August 22, 2024



Another coolish but beauteous morning.

Thursday, I remind myself. And as crazy as this sounds, it's the first day of the week where neither or us has anything on the calendar.

The combination of Zoom and technology, weekends where family is able to come for an unplanned visit, and friends and cousins here who love to have folks for dinner, has meant that for the past eights days running there's been something happening at a specific time for various reasons.

It's partly answering my question about connectivity.

I've been wondering how we will stay meaningfully connected with people even while 'isolated' on an island at a cottage that takes 45 minutes in a boat to get here.

This is a real thing for me. In our in between time of not having a home in KW, it's all fine and good for me to be grateful for a beloved roof over our heads here in this space that is truly sacred to us. It's all fine and good for me to focus on some recovery that still needs to be done from both the surgery and the move. It's all fine and good for me to hunker down into some of the more quiet and reflective work/writing this era of my ministry life requires of me.

But life is community. We were not meant to live in isolation. Not even us introverted types. We need each other. At least, I need you. And the richness of my relationships is not something I take for granted, or believe can run on autopilot for any length of time.

So it's been a thing I've wanted to be mindful of. Because I was concerned. But in these last days, I'd say I need not worry about connectivity.

Apparently, it won't be a problem.

Today Ken and I may do a dump run. That's to help take care of the piles of remaining construction leftovers and other unsightly corners of the property I don't usually take pictures of. (Perhaps that can be the topic of a future posting, because there's a few life lessons in that for me. But not today.)

Today we may or may not do the dump run. Because while it needs doing, it's not urgent. And even as we make sure to keep connected, it's also kind of nice to not have anything on the list for the day.

If I were to put anything else on this nothing-on-the-list day, it might be to take another step toward making friends with the chipmunk. I see my small offering of peanuts from yesterday is gone, and he just ran past on the rocks, stopped and looked at me, and carried on.

I shall name him Chester.

Hope your connections are good today.
Or you can just have a nothing-on-the-list kind of day.
Or that this Thursday just brings you whatever you need.

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