The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Saturday's Simple Song

Psalm 98:1
Sing to the LORD a new song,
for He has done marvelous things.

Out under a moody sky this morning.
But never mind.
Already by now the clouds are clearing,
giving way to a spectacular Saturday.

No breeze yet, so the water is flat and quiet. Same with other cottages in our little bay. Quiet. Surprising for a Saturday, but I'm not complaining.

It's switch-back day. Our lovely renters have had a good week. But a little later today Ken will run them in to the marina, and meet up with Bill who'll be with us for the next few days. Bill, believe it or not, has been coming up here longer than I have, and I'm on my 51st summer! To me, it's such a gift of this season of life - those life-long friendships. And also, he brings steaks, so...

I am a tad concerned about Chester though. It's taken us the whole week to be friends. And now that he's quiet happy to come up the stairs for peanuts, I hope he can find me next store starting tomorrow. #usempathssheesh! #ithinktheresasupportgroupforthis

Otherwise, moving back and doing laundry will likely be all I do today. A good day. A simple day. A settling back in day.

But not before I linger here on our little deck singing all the new songs of right now.

Songs of joyful quiet.
Songs of marvelous things.
Songs of profound gratitude.
Songs of trusting unseen outcomes.
Songs of mindful contentment in present moment delights.

Hope your Saturday if full of new and simple songs.

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