The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Time and Times Again

Sometimes I make the best faces!

Abby caught this one earlier this week when we did an outing to Doi Sutep, then stopped by the "King Kong" resort (not its real name but others who've been here will know what I'm talking about) for lunch.

So, this is not necessarily this morning's face. But it probably reflects my excitement and gratitude today for it being Sunday, and for the anticipated worship at Hot Springs Church.

What a difference a week makes! I am feeling so much stronger and clearer and not-jet-lagged this morning compared to just a week ago today. I'm speaking this morning on God's perfect timing, and it's hard not to draw oh so many considerations out of it all.

The timing of the sale of our house.
The timing of my emergency appendectomy.
The timing of this trip.
All back-to-back and overlapping one another in rapid succession.
What 'bad' timing!


It seems to me that there are two circumstances where we tend to question God's perfect timing on things. One is when we need something to happen right now, but it seems to us to be taking too long. The other is when something unexpected happens at what seems like a bad time to us.

And yet. If we say we believe in a God who's 'got this,' a God who is all knowing and wise and loving and works with us towards His best plans and purposes for our lives...then is anything really 'too late,' or 'inconvenient' in the big picture?

Pause for moment of honest respect.
Have I mentioned how sobering it is to realize I was not on the plane when my appendix ruptured?

And also, with the time thing, I'm really amazed at how fast these two weeks have gone. We leave for the airport by about 8 a.m. Tuesday morning, (8 p.m. Monday night in Canada) so today and tomorrow are our last full days.


More pictures to follow. We did a massive craft bonanza yesterday and everyone worked really hard on their pictures and cards. I'll be careful not to spoil any surprises we'll bring home, but there certainly were some concentrated faces around the table.

If you're praying for us, thank you so much.
We totally know it.

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