The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Do Rabbits Have Souls?

Rainy season.

It's come down non stop for three days, cancelling some of our hoped for excursions, but providing a lovely sense of quietly just being at home. No complaints here, and Abby has adapted beautifully.

Happily one of those days we had the children home with us, and even yesterday, after school, even after our reading time was done, Abby brought out her floss and some beautiful bracelets were spun from little eager hands.

I've been trying to keep up with emails, mostly simply letting Sponsors know specific things we're observing about their Child. And yesterday I finished writing the sermon I am preaching on Sunday.

Also realized yesterday that we've only got four more days here really. And starting to think of some logistics of how to get all the cards and pictures the children have been preparing back to all of their Sponsors when I'm not really stationed in KW right now. Feeling the pull, a little, between my worlds.

But overall, the past few days have felt a little lazy in all the lovely ways a rainy string of days will do that. Not unlike, if I think about it, how a spell of bad weather in the winter keeps us all tucked in.

And now we approach the weekend. Tomorrow will bring another happy onslaught of crafts and painting and cards for our Sponsors. Evening worship time on a Friday night often enough includes a game. It's crazy good what kinds of games you can get into when your family has so many energetic brothers and sisters. Perhaps a game of Thai (aka Dutch) Blitz is in order?

So, this compelling questions about rabbits.

It came from Meena who took up a reading challenge given to the older girls. Read the book and answer the questions in the back. Her book was about rabbits, and the last question to answer was, "Do you have any other questions about rabbits?" This was Meena's.

Love this. It demonstrates a deeper sense of spirituality and a theological curiosity we want to foster in our kids. I spent just a few minutes last night, answering that question from my own theological perspective. And since my Facebook and blog spaces are not meant to be controversial in any way, I will leave the conversation - which I'm happy to have - to other venues of discourse.

For now, let's just say we are rounding the corner into our last few days with an increased sense of being at home, being encircled by family, and being touched and stretched by the Spirit.

Have a great weekend everyone...when your Friday comes, that is :).

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