The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Creatures of Habit


"In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you
and wait expectantly."
Psalm 5:3

At this point the blue jays have figured it out.

They're out on the deck railing even before I'm all set up, calling for some breakfast. The chipmunks too, putting little paws on my toes and looking way up, even before I can get the canister of peanuts in place.

Ken, who observes all this creaturely interaction from an amused arm's length, says, "Your friends have stopped by."

It's a morning ritual, as I set myself up on the deck to pray and work and read and write every day, weather permitting. Arrange the lounge chair, quilt and pillows, crank up the umbrella, gather my computer, Bible and any other books I'm going to need, put down my morning shake....and feed my friends.

They know to come because it's the routine.

I found this comforting when we were at Hot Springs too; the regular rhythms of the day. Especially in the mornings. Early worship, hearing the kids sweeping and singing during morning chores (yes, singing, and I'm not making that up), breakfast with my cup of jasmine green tea.

Rituals to begin the day. Regular ways to begin a morning that help to set the tone, get things going, feed my friends....and my soul.

Perhaps it's because my life seemed so upended for so long that I am relishing the routines now. The simple steadiness of knowing where to reach for a pen, or to know for sure where I last left my toothbrush, or to be able to pause long enough for morning reflections, brings a comforting reassurance that all is right with my little world for the moment.

It is sometimes said in my circles that God has had to 'get my attention' in some extreme kind of way. Some unexpected and disruptive event, or something of that sort. I've even heard people describe it as "God hit me up the side of the head." I can't argue with other people's experience of God, to be sure. God does move in mysterious ways, and He knows what's going to work best with any one of us.

But I'm just wondering if there might be a correlation between a regular quiet habit of sitting still long enough (measured by something like the time it takes for blue jays and chipmunks to trust you perhaps?) and the experience of God's gentle presence and loving guidance in ways less dramatic.

I don't have this thing in the bag (or the peanut jar) by any means. This is just something I aspire to. Being spiritually available in a regular, ordinary kind of way, I might call it. And I'm so grateful for this time and space to revel in that right now.

We're hoping to get at some painting today too. Started all that back in June, and we just keep working it, section by section.

Happy Tuesday...I still had to think about what day it was just there. So jet lag is almost done, I'd say.

Wishing you some good soul-quiet and whatever happy routines keep you grounded.

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