The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Friday, August 9, 2024

Wrecked a Little

I really think 'sort and file trip pictures' needs to be a separate segment of my job description. Or maybe it's a part time job all on its own.

Capturing the moments of any given visit to Hot Springs is a happy component of every trip when we're there, without question. There's so much I want to remember, so much I want to share with family, friends and supporters. It's especially important, it seems, to at least make an attempt to convey some of the vibrancy and essence of our family life together, even though only a smidge of it gets through in pictures, or even videos.

But every trip I try.

It takes time, though. Partly because there's always so many! (And this year I have Abby and her four-camera passion to add to the mix.) But also because I stop and relive each moment, reveling in it, feeling it, hurting a little from missing them so much already. This, despite my intention to just 'tidy up the downloads.'

Yet while, I might complain a tad about how 'feeling every picture' isn't all that efficient, there's really no other way for me to go about this. At least, I wouldn't want it to become anything less.

I was with a group of pastor friends one day, and we were talking about the emotional impact of mission, and of mission trips in particular. One of them, who at that time had had much more experience leading cross cultural teams than I, made the comment, "If anyone comes back unmoved, unchanged, unaffected, they probably shouldn't have been there in the first place. It's supposed to wreck you a little."

I've honestly lost track of how many times I've done this. Sixteen years of one to three trips per year. And, yes, I'm wrecked a little every single time.

The good thing about sorting pictures is that it can be done in the wee hours of the morning when jet lag has you up way too early. It's quiet then; gives you the space to feel all the feels.

Having said that, I'm not finding things too too difficult in the readjustment department. My body is glad the travelling is done. I had such attentive care when I was there, for sure. They genuinely want me to be rested and strong, and provide for that beautifully. And also, I'm now here by the water, yielding gratefully to the restoration of my soul.

Brace yourselves for more pictures.
I haven't finished sorting and filing them all yet :).

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