The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Attack of the Clones - Why I Stay On Facebook (and Blogs)

I recently had yet another incidence of having folks receive a Facebook friend request from an account posing as me.  Wasn't the first time, and won't be the last.  But it does seem like a good opportunity to make some overall statements about how I engage with social media.  My own playbook, if you will.

First off, I want to say that I am grateful for the platforms available to me that allow me to connect with a lot of people at one time.  To get the word out about some important work with at-risk children and at-risk seniors, to write the stories and share the ideas and beliefs behind that work, to be able to express opinions and have a voice, and share what I know to be hopeful concepts from my faith; this is good.  And it's a bonus to me to be able to stay at least somewhat connected to friends from almost every decade of my life.  

I know it's also risky out there in cyberspace.  A lot of nasty lurks in darker corners.  Plus in a less sinister way, there's a lot of just plain nonsense.  Just one example:  I receive about three friend requests each day from accounts of men I've never heard of appearing to be in their 50s and 60s.  You guys!  You need to increase your photo bank, since several different names can often be attached to the same picture.  Sheesh! (Oh to have been this popular in high school!)

So here's some of what I do to keep things somewhat contained, and healthy for me, and hopefully safe for those I connect with.

I do not accept any friend request unless it has been verified verbally or through other valid contacts.

I do not send friend requests without getting the person's permission beforehand, or in some other way validating who I am.

I will never ask for or give money through a Facebook message request.  

I will not "press and hold" to copy a message and post it to my Facebook page.  Ever.

Yes, I am one of the 97% of your 'friends' who will absolutely NOT respond to the post about mental health, or cancer, or animals in need of rescue.  I do care. I just don't respond well to being manipulated.

Personally, I never participate in a 'test' that will tell me what kind of animal I most resemble, or how loving I am, or whether or not I've had a past life.  I don't care if I can't find the one off number in a sea of 99s, or can easily see a word that apparently only geniuses can spot.

And I do not believe for one second that God counts how many likes or views something gets to decide if He'll answer that prayer or not.

Also, and this is my personal decision only, I will not use my Facebook page or blog spaces for open debate or political or religious polarization.  I am firm in my Christian faith, but I NEVER mean to offend, although I probably do so unintentionally and I'm sorry about that.  I feel there is enough negativity out there already, that I do not have to contribute further, so I won't write if I'm annoyed or grumpy or have nothing encouraging to say.  Also, if I'm hangry.

I post almost daily.  That's because I love to write, and I hope to share some goodness and joy and encouragement with anyone who wants to receive it.

And if, for any reason, you're not jiving with what I'm posting, don't read it.  That's perfectly okay with me.  In fact, if I'm bugging you, just unfollow me.  Honestly.  That's what that feature is for.

From all of you, I am grateful for your joy, the glimpses into your life, the invitations to dance, and the generous encouragements I receive.  I need it.  Thank you.

So, being cloned and fake friend requests and all the nonsense notwithstanding, I will persist in this online world, as long as I can navigate it safely.  

Because actually, I think you're all worth it.

Stay safe out there, friends.  And may Thursday bring you joyful connection, however it happens.

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