The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Basket Build Up

When we were still away, and I was thinking ahead to the task of packing, I wondered whether or not I might find a few extra baskets at the house for a few practical and decorative touches at the cottage.

Packing is its own thing. So many categories to assign, in hopes of keeping it all organized for the time of unpacking on the other end. Books, bedding, kitchenware, clothes. But I don't think I realized just how much of a category 'baskets' would be!

I have a fondness for baskets. I knew that. But now that I'm emptying and gathering them, I'm just a little bit surprised by how many I actually have. Pictured here are just the small percentage I'm not too embarrassed to show you.

And the thing is, if I'm being perfectly honest, this whole exercise of purging and cleaning and packing and moving has revealed that I own a startling abundance of 'stuff' in general. It's messing with the image I have had of myself as being someone NOT caught up in materialism and consumerism.

And yet here I am with a scandalous amount of baskets.

Among other "things."

Paul's words of instruction to his pastoral mentee, Timothy, come to mind here.

"But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that."
1 Timothy 6:6

Before I scold myself too harshly, I sense the Spirit reminding me that there is a lifetime of raising first, children, then grandchildren over the past 36 years in the house. It has welcomed people to the table, hosted countless meetings, and been a space for folks to at times unburden themselves when life has been heavy.

The house is "full" of more than just "stuff."

This current move to a more simpler way of living is part of the work He is doing in my heart now, at this particular stage of my life, and was not the focus in years past.

But a build up of baskets is still a good visual moment of spiritual formation, asking me to pause and just take stock; of both the "things", and my level of contentment.

And I guess I do have a few I can take back to the cottage.

Given this is only Tuesday, and looking around at the state of things, I'd say we're off to a great start. We'll still have a lot ready for when some friends to join us on Thursday afternoon for a 'packing party,' but the tedious 'don't talk to me while I think this through' packing is well underway.

Hope everyone is staying cool.
Our house, with no AC, stays cool thanks to mature trees and strategically places fans.
Glad for that.
Glad for bins and boxes.
Glad for packing tape.
Glad for baskets.
And yes, since I can hear some of you suggesting it,
I AM using baskets to help with the packing. :)

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