The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Friday, June 28, 2024

Having My Appendix Out Part 2 - The View From Here

I found a sunrise!

Thank you Lord, for finding me a room with a sunrise view!
Yesterday I had my appendix out. Or maybe you know that already.
Forgive me. It's been the first time in my life I've ever been an overnight patient with anything this interesting happening, other than when I had my tonsils out at 16, which wasn't all that interesting.
So this is registering as kind of a big deal. And I think maybe repeating the fact to myself, and to you, is helping me process a little.
First the medical report where I try to give out information that fits the three point criteria; 1. That which is interesting to those who are curious, 2. Nothing so medical it might make friends squeamish, 3. Doesn't tip into the TMI category either way.
At one point during this week, my appendix had ruptured and apparently I was quite a mess inside. Surgery was yesterday and the surgeon says all went well. But the 'extra' of the rupture did leave me with a drain which is an automatic overnight stay so they can keep an eye on things.
So far, things seem to be moving in the direction I was told suggests a release from hospital today. But I'm really just taking things moment by moment.
I do seem to be having one of those double bind things going on where I need to cough deeply in order to clear my trachea from the breathing tube leftovers and get my O2 levels back up into the high 90s....but..... coughing that deeply, hurts like Halifax. [No disrespect to Halifax, but that's as strong a language as you're going to get from me, on line at least, and that kind of pain deserves strong language!]
So some deep coughing and pulmonary function exercises are top on my list today. That and extending my walks, getting up and moving around a bit more.
Next, onto the bigger things about all this that have had the potential to make this crazy time in our lives even more so.
Yesterday Abby graduated from high school but I couldn't be there.
Today is her birthday, so we'll see how things pan out today, but...
Opening Sunday with Cognashene Community Church will happen under the capable and flexible leadership of a Church Board who has been so understanding as to why I've had to bail. Leading that service every summer is truly one of the highlights of my entire year. That also makes me sad.
And...regardless of any medical issues going on, we still have only until July 18 to clear out our house.
So. Yeah. A lot going on.
Someone commented yesterday that, after reading my post, she thought I sounded so calm. Truthfully, I am.
It might have something to do with the anesthetic I enjoyed the effects of several hours post op. And/or the pain meds I'm not saying no to. And/or to the fact that considering how much it all hurt before, lying in this comfy hospital bed with the two extra pillows and fleece blanket Ken brought from home, with the sunshine coming in the window, well that's all just fine with me.
Another factor is that I'm surrounded by professionals who are monitoring my well-being fairly closely, giving reassurances of my progress, and doing their jobs beautifully! Such a calming presence.
I am also deeply grateful that this didn't end up becoming something more serious. Especially given my own delay in seeing the doctor, believing I was dealing with a first flare up of diverticulitis, like I've said. Honestly? Whatever the outcomes or inconveniences otherwise, how can I be anything but amazed that I'm this okay?
Also, one last calming factor. It's all I've been practicing this whole year, leaning into the rest of faith, releasing absolutely everything into the care of a God I truly believe loves me and is working out all things according to His purposes.
There is certainly a different set of priorities for me over the next few days. More about paying attention to my healing, while at the same time supporting Ken in all that still needs to be done.
We've been receiving so much support and offers of care!
Thank you!
We will not be shy about putting you all to work, those who've offered, once we actually know my release date and what will be required.
We thank you so much for your prayers.
You also brighten up the view from here.

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