The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Having My Appendix Out Part 1 - Reflections in Emerg


I’ll start by commenting on how unpredictable life is.
And that right now, I'm okay. 

That’s because the next thing I’m going to tell you is that I spent the better part of Wednesday afternoon and overnight into Thursday in Emerg, being examined and treated for what I thought was a diverticulitis flare up.  Since the purpose of telling this part of the story isn’t to give much attention to my gut at all, and since, like I said, I’m okay, I’ll save the medical update for the very end.  It will be quite a twist of plot.  But of course I have already given that away in the title. 

What I want to report first is how positive my experience was yesterday afternoon.

I know there are problems with our health system.  I know this.  But whatever those are, they weren’t glaringly obvious in the emerge department at GRH yesterday.  Beyond the efficient care I personally received, what I noticed the most was the gentle compassion shown by the volunteers, the lab techs, intake nurses, police and para-medics, and all the hospital type folks taking blood pressures, taking temperatures, and otherwise moving us along in the process. 

I was experiencing a significant amount of pain (update later, like I said), and at no time was I rushed into my seat or off to the next waiting area.  Take your time, everyone said.  A little guy who threw up all over himself was quickly tended to by a volunteer who got him a new sheet, and a wet cloth, and all the while encouraged him that he was doing so good.  A baby girl was given lots of room to be in her comfy stroller to eat her popsicle, and be rolled back and forth when she needed it.  And a little girl with a bead up her nose had an amazing Dad who made sure her device was on a low volume, while the volunteer stopped to ask about her her favourite flavour of popsicle. 

Additionally, I observed a quiet respect for one another amongst us regular folks, other patients like me, looking out for one another in the waiting room.

Cranky children were entertained by strangers.  Folks who had been there longer were happy to direct you to the bathrooms.  A baby girl was given lots of room to be in her comfy stroller to eat her popsicle, and be rolled back and forth when she needed it.  And when she and her mom went down the hall for a little walk and the nurse called her name, people knew who she was and went running to get her. 

Humans being good humans even when they weren’t feeling on top of their game.  People caring for one another, even as they waited to be cared for.

It was lovely.

And since we hear so much about all that’s wrong with all our systems, especially our health system, I thought I would just report on all that was good and right about an afternoon in emerg.

Okay, so my own medical update.  Apologies if any of this is TMI.  I have known that I have diverticulosis for more than a decade.  No problems.  But what I thought I was experiencing this week is called a ‘flare up’, where the “-osis” changes to “-itis.”  That’s a change from “condition of” to “inflammation of.” 

Got a CT scan to confirm (let’s call it a gut check), and then came the surprise.

All the pain and discomfort I've been experiencing since Monday afternoon already, is NOT about my intestines.  It's about my appendix!!

Well then.

This is much more involved than just being prescribed some antibiotics and being warned to avoid nuts.
This will involve surgery and recovery.
And all this happening midst a pretty crazy time in our lives!
Closing date is July 18.
 I was supposed to be leading the service at Cognashene Community Church this weekend.
So that's not happening.
I was supposed to be at Abby's graduation from high school tonight.
So that's not happening.
I was supposed to be hauling boxes and bins into the van to help clear out our house.
So that's not happening.

As I write, I am waiting to hear when my surgery is scheduled.
And then recovery.

So, in the midst of an uncertain time, more uncertainty.

The picture isn't from anywhere in the hospital, of course.
Just thought I look at something calming and reflective.

I will try to keep you posted.
Sort of depends on what good drugs I'm on over the next few days.

Thanks for all your care and love.


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