The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Monday, June 17, 2024

From the Sublime to the Ridiculous


This is our front room right now.

The contrast couldn't be greater since, for the past two months the entire house has looked a little more like a hotel room than where people actually live. All the floor space you can reveal is how it's all been set up. Clean, tidy, pristine.

But now we're back and we are packing with a great fervor and determination. All the bins and boxes so carefully put in storage during all the open houses are now emancipated to do their thing.

I'm greatly encouraged by how much we've already been able to get done, given we only been home since Saturday evening. And then, after church we worked on it a little just to get it all 'started.' But we go a lot accomplished in that little bit. So I think we might actually be able to do this!!!

It's not a simple move.
There are categories.

First, there's what we'll need to keep with us for the four and a half months between closing date and moving in to the new build.
That's going to the cottage with us. Clothes mostly, but I confess I'll be bringing a few special things you might call 'décor' but actually have important significance. That's just to keep track of them, and because they are in their own way comforting and/or reassuring in the midst of a disrupted life.

Then there's packing for Thailand, which I have to do now even though departure date isn't until end of July. That's tricky. And I'm glad for a little bit of space at the church to collect Sponsors' packets and ESL materials in a separate suitcase.

Then there's what's going into storage. That may sound simple, but in advance I'm tagging the furniture and the bins with what rooms they might eventually end up in. Good thing we have the blueprints and have measured everything already. :)

Then there's all the 'leftovers' I'm not quite sure about yet. That's where most of my brain power will likely be going today and tomorrow.

By the way, anyone want to talk about a Caroms table, or a very large, cherry wood bookcase from the Victorian era? We have a few ideas but we certainly want to do right by these heirloom Breithaupt pieces.

Speaking of brain power, neither Ken nor I are totally 'off' work due to the nature of what we do. While we have been excused from most meetings, there are still emails that need responses and time-sensitive matters to tend to. Friends, if this involves you, and I'm not getting back to you soon enough, please do not feel shy about sending another email to prompt me!

In the midst of this, we are saddened to hear the news of an 'extended' family member's passing, and will be on call and looking for ways to love and support.

So, Monday morning of a different sort for sure.
And then there's the heat warnings!
I made iced tea.

Whatever starts this week for you, I wish you calm midst the chaos, cool spaces in the heat, comfort in any sorrow, and confidence for the adventures ahead.

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