The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

What We Leave Behind

In case today's accompanying photos give the wrong impression, I will remind us all that I am so not a gardener.

All I've done, over the years, is listen to the advice of friends who are so much more garden-wise than I, planted a thing here and there to see what works, and then, like today, taken pictures of whatever actually takes root and blooms in spite of me.

These days, as I see the hostas and the others (see, I can't even remember what they are!) coming into their own, I am enjoying them more the way you enjoy a gift you're giving someone else, than someone you have to yourself. The garden won't come with me, of course. What's growing there now I will leave behind for the enjoyment of the fine folks who have purchased our home.

By mid-July, when they take possession, things will be in full flower. My hope is that it will be it's own kind of welcome as they pull into the driveway with the moving van.

I'm glad for this reminder. Most of my attention of late has been focused on what I will be taking with me. That is, pretty much, a good definition of "packing," and "packing" has become a necessary obsession.

But as the cupboards and walls get barer, and the boxes get stacked out of the way in their various piles of destination, I am more and more mindful of the people and their life that will soon inhabit this space instead of us. And I'm more in tune with what I will be leaving behind for them.

The flowers and garden yes. Then there are a few items of furniture and fixtures and window coverings identified in the agreement. But also making sure to leave behind the cleanest new house and yard I can give them, and perhaps making sure there is toilet paper and tissue and paper towels.

And a note. I haven't written it yet. But, along with all the manuals for all the appliances and such, I intend to write a note of blessing over their new life here.

In leaving my house, perhaps it's obvious what I leave behind. But it's making me think of both the micro and macro applications of that thought.

In the macro, of course, it's what you leave behind when your time here is done. Attended a funeral just last week, and it was so obvious again what really matters, and how important it is to leave behind a legacy for the people in your life by how well you loved them.

In the micro, I can't help but wonder what I might leave behind in every single human interaction throughout any given day. Whether deep and meaningful, or quick and casual. Did I plant something good, something helpful, something hopeful?

Something like green buds preparing to flower maybe?
Hope so.

It's only Tuesday. I'm greatly encouraged with the progress we're making according to the tasks and timelines we've set for ourselves so far. So much so, that a previously planned 'packing party' for tomorrow afternoon is no longer necessary! The things that are left really need that tedious, in-my-own-head kind of sorting anyways.

But we are tired. Very much so.
Moving house is not for the faint of heart, body, mind or soul!
Grateful for all the grace being poured on on us right now!

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