The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Empty Shelves and Psalm 91

By now, I am finding there to be an odd tension between all we're getting done packing-wise, and how it looks and feels as we do it.

These empty shelves, for instance. My library.

On one hand, it's so satisfying to see the units ready to go, cleared of all the books to their various temporary destinations. Some will come with me to the cottage. Some have gone back to the church tucked onto a few shelves I've been granted during this interim. But the bulk of them have been carefully boxed and labelled and are headed for storage.

Books are a little like good friends to me, so it's been important to be fairly meticulous about what's happening with them, especially since this isn't a straightforward move.

So, yeah. Cleared off shelves, units labelled ready to go. Big fat check mark off the list.


Man that looks lonely! And cold. And unsettling.

And if I'm honest, in these days of dismantling everything that has been familiar and comfortable and conveniently placed for ready use and reference for oh so many years, the whole house feels that way. Nothing is where it's supposed to be.

In a few days I will be back to the cottage where things have been familiar and comfortable and conveniently and lovingly places for actually much longer than Ken and I have lived in this house. So soon I will be again surrounded and settled.

But for now, in these last intensive days of moving out, it's been important to remind myself of what and where and Who home truly is.

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty."
Psalm 91:1

Home is where the heart is, right?

Looking like a great day to work out in the yard again. It's amazing how much one can collect and just tuck in and behind the shed or around back corners. Glad for Zachary's help again today.

Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone!

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