The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Cottage Companions


We have tucked ourselves in nicely for what we hope to be a bit of quiet after what has turned out to be a bigger than expected spring.

And it is quiet, yes. This time of year not many of our cottage neighbours arrived quite yet. No the human kind at least. Otherwise, we are surrounded.

Just in this first morning, out in the kayak and now set up on the deck, I have been visited by one large red-headed woodpecker, one small humming bird, three regular-customer chipmunks, one red squirrel, at least three blue jays (can't quite tell because they come one at a time).

While heading around the island this morning I was accompanied by two different loons, coming up quite close to the kayak. And in a secluded bay, a doe and her fawn took a good long look at me before heading back into the woods.

That's to say nothing of the countless dragonflies and corroborating mosquitoes, one being taken care of by the other we hope. Oh, and the odd bee bumbling by.

You can see by the smattering of pictures that:
a) My phone camera can only zoom in so far.
b) Some folks more easily give permission for their photo to be used than other, and that's okay.

So while it's not exactly solitude it certainly brings rest and joy. And it's not exactly holidays, since we're both still working-from-home-at-the-cottage, it still brings rest and joy.

Have a terrific Tuesday, everyone.
May you be surrounded by gentle friends.

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