The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Sunday, June 9, 2024

New Things a Birthday Brings

[First posted on Facebook on June 8 (2024) which is my actual birthday. :)]

It's hard to think of a much better way to be spending a birthday than in one of my most favourite places with my favourite guy with a fire on built by him. A warming wake up birthday treat.
Too cloudy and gusty for a kayak this morning, so a cozy vibe it is, and that's just fine by me.
Today I turn 67. And for the record, I think that's fabulous! Every year of my life so far has been full of God's grace and goodness, so I can't wait to see what's ahead between now and my next birthday.
For whatever reason, I've been parked in Isaiah 43 for a while now. And today I'm all bundled up on the couch with pillows and a blanket, reflecting on this cool contrast that's laid out about the middle of the chapter (starting at verse 14 or so).

With the rather authoritative intro line to the section, "This is what Yahweh says..." there's a description of God's deliverance at the Red Sea, where water was parted and dry land appeared, making a way forward where there was no way.
But, having just on purpose reminded them of this amazing demonstration of His Power and Presence in days gone by,
at verse 18, He says,
"Forget the former things;
do not dwell in the past."
Based on what comes next, I am inclined to translate this as,
"You ain't seen nuthin' yet!!"
Because God goes on to say He's "doing a new thing" and describes the exact opposite strange and wonderful occurrence as being yet another way to know He's right there with His people.
"I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."
Where there was once lots of water, dry land.
Where there was desert, water.
Where there was destruction and violence, there is now serene spaces for wild animals - and us, His people - to come and be restored. New life, fresh growth, loud praise.
A new thing.
I want to remember this, my 67th birthday, as a time when, in the midst of big changes, I fully embraced all the new things. A time when I could simultaneously remember all the goodness of God's great faithfulness and rescue and power displayed against unthinkable odds in the past, and look forward to the new spaces He's preparing for me in the future.
Because, honestly? I actually do think that I ain't seen nuthin' yet.
So, if it's okay to say it, Happy Birthday to me.
And happy new things for us all!

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