The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Big Brother Birthday

Happy Birthday Zachary!

Yesterday we again saw evidence of the strong, kind young man you are becoming.

With great patience and giving your full attention, you spent quite a bit of your pool time teaching little brother Jayden how to push off from the side of the pool and stay underwater for the glide.
I loved watching this; your clear instruction, your encouragement for every little success, your willingness to repeat things over and over until Jayden felt satisfied with the results.
I honestly don't know of another 14-turning-15 year old who has such a strong work ethic, is sensitive to the feelings of others, and looks for ways to interact with people so positively the way you do.
Grandad and I are so glad God gifted you to this family!
Happiest of days.
See you later for cake!!!!!

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