The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Having My Appendix Out Part 3 - Coming Home


In what I expect will be the last installment of this short-but-impactful series, I am happy to report that I was given the green light to come just after supper yesterday.

It didn't look that way by 4 p.m. which is when I had been told earlier was the window. So I had just communicated the 'one more night' message to my family and others, ate a decent supper, and was settling in to a Friday night on y own waiting to FB video chat into Abby's 18th birthday party.

Then the doctor came in, told me all my metrics were excellent, gave me the clear, and a few home-care instructions. As soon as she left, I called over and said, "Have you opened the presents yet?"

A few papers to sign, a change of dressings, getting rid of the last remaining tubes, getting myself into real clothes, packing up a bit, and there was Ken ready to sneak me into the last bit of celebrating our granddaughter's milestone birthday.

A stop at the pharmacist to get all the medication instructions. And then....oh, that lovely sensation of settling into your very own bed. Very good sleep last night. Little to no pain or discomfort this morning. Setting myself up for an obedient day of rest and recovery.

Much to my surprise, and quite contrary to my personality type, and even more unusual given our current mid-move status, I am not even tempted to 'do too much' or lift anything at all, heavy or not. The pain I experienced at the beginning of this little unexpected excursion was the worst in my life (that includes two childbirths and passing a 7 mm kidney stone) and I have NO desire to do ANYTHING that might bring any of it back around my way in terms of complications or relapse.

So dear worried-because-you-know-me friends. I'm staying put today, in bed mostly, up and moving around gently as is actually prescribed, and allowing all that needs to be done to be done in its own good time. Because, let's face it, that's how it usually happens anyways. I'm not allowed to drive until a full 24 hours after taking one of my pain meds anyways, so that helps keep me stationed too.

At this moment I have already accomplished one of the top priority items on my list for the day: washed my hair. There's nothing that says you're home from the hospital quite like a good hair wash.

I am amazed at the incredible, professional, top notch care I received by every single person who tended to any and all of my needs in this medical situation. My own family doctor ready to see me within 15 minutes of my first call. The staff and volunteers in the Emergency receiving and waiting areas. Every nurse, physician, specialist, blood tech, radiologist, porter, and housekeeping staff did their job with dedication, skill and compassion. I thanked them everyone, every chance I got. But, honestly, I can't thank them enough.

Those who I had to bail on because we were supposed to get together for something, I'm sorry, thanks for understanding.
Everyone who stepped in to do something I was supposed to do this past week, thanks.
Everyone who adjusted with Ken on his things while he cared for me, thank you.
Everyone who stopped by the house do wrap that gift, or drop off a lunch, thanks so much.
Those who stopped in at the hospital for a quick visit, even though my stay was short, some of you sneak it in, thank you.
My children and grandchildren, both those who stopped by and those who stayed away because of coughs but kept checking in on me. I love you, thank you.

My husband. What a gentle trooper for me. That's all I'll say here.

And to God who knows the prefect timing for everything, even the everything's no one sees coming, even the everything's that there is no good time for. I see His hand in all of and bear witness to His sustaining power and grace and healing.

So, while this will be the last in this posting series, there are still so, so many good learnings for me in all of this that I can't believe you've heard the last of it.

Life is such a good education if you just keep paying attention.

Kind of a soggy start to the long weekend, eh?
Hope whatever you're up to, you can enjoy it.

Photo: A shot of the Bowman's campfire the night before this little adventure started. Seemed fitting in that it will be a familiar sight to many of you, and also kind of represents the chill, no-stress vibe, I'm obediently enjoying right now.

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