The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Getting Right Down to It


We've wasted no time in getting at the painting project lined up for this season. Our cottage is 'vintage' and requires regular upkeep to keep the outdoor wood siding in good shape.

Scraping and sanding is the first step. Especially where the wind and the sun have done their thing. I don't mind this part though. In fact, there's something quite satisfying about getting rid of all that's coming off anyways, and smoothing down all the rough places to be ready for what comes next. Yes, it's hot work, and the paint chips go flying everywhere in a mess I'll have to take care of later.

But it's worth it when you keep the final outcome in mind.

It's especially interesting when I can get it down to the original wood. That's a lot of layers over the years, and a lot of imperfections in between them. Feels good to clear it all away and be ready for a fresh start.

The cottage painting project happens about every three years. But as I'm scraping and sanding, I can't help but compare this to another kind of scraping and sanding happening every year, down on the boat at sunset.

That's when I read through my journal from last year, bit by bit, and very intentionally. It's been a yearly spiritual practice of my life for decades now; something I stumbled upon at first, and then refined as I went along. An annual taking stock of my inner world that is meant to peel away the layers lifted by life's heat and storms. A time to get right down to the bare bones of who I am and how God is shaping me into who I am becoming.

Sometimes it gets messy, and a some serious confession and repentance is necessary. Sometimes it's a beautiful revelation of growth and strength, and I weep with gratitude. Always it's intimate, stripping away all the pretense just to be both exposed and safe in the presence of Pure Grace.

Socrates is attributed to having said, "The unexamined life is not worth living."

The psalmist prayed, "Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." Psalm 139:23.

Folks keep journals for all kinds of reasons. This is mine. As I read it through each year, I keep asking God to search me and show me. And I keep notes. And out of that comes a point of focus and related objectives to move me forward into the next season. Like I said, intentional.

Pause to bring it back to the whole painting prep analogy here.

I'd really hate to see what it would look like if we just painted over all the cracks and blistered bits without the scraping and sanding. If we're trying to beautify, even honour the heritage of the building, there'd be no point.

Another glorious morning on the Bay. Saw another deer on my paddle around the island. We'll see how hot it gets today. So far this is more like July than June.

Have a wild Wednesday, everyone!

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