The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

Friday, June 21, 2024

The Misty Middle


Early walks are the only way to cope in this prolonged heat wave. This is 5:30 a.m. and so worth it to let the low lying fog make even the hydro towers seem mystical somehow.

I believe my body is filing an official complaint as I make my way along my route. All the packing and going up and down the stairs yesterday makes everything a tad stiff this morning.

All the more I need this mystical misty walk.

We cannot say thank you enough to the hearty packing crew who came yesterday. There is NO WAY we could get it all done without help. None. And for all your sweat equity yesterday, and possible aches and pains today, we are so grateful for you!!!

Today will be more packing, of course.
But also a pause to remember the life of a strong and vibrant woman who left a large legacy for her family.
Christine Hiemstra Praying comfort for her loved ones and friends.

Back to the mist.

Out there this morning, and stopping to take the picture, I realized that Ken and I have now moved past that sense of there being a 'misty middle' in our transitional plans this summer. We now have dates, and movers booked, and a calendar that is, yes, rather complex, but quite doable. We have friends who are gathering around us in very concrete, practical ways. We have more than everything we need for 'life and godliness' (2 Peter 1:3). Life is abundant as promised (John 10:10).

It's all an adventure, folks.
Hope wherever yours takes you today is exactly what you need it to be.
And that you can stay cool!!!

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